Monday, May 25, 2009


i, like everyone else, have been feeling ruffles, soft neutrals, and the english countryside look for a while now. a couple of months ago, the grey, ruffled sweater i'd been working on for the past several months got it's final dose of inspiration from the soft, metallic pink i'd seen revived again. i love these looks, in particular:

Sunday, May 24, 2009


after 58 attempts at blogging my too-personal and, likely, uninteresting thoughts, i've decided to begin again. normally, i prefer to start new projects on the first day of the month or even the first day of the week, but it is time to refocus and that knows no proper start date. this will, hopefully, serve as a way to keep myself motivated. east.west will be the marriage of my love of creating and my desire to hug trees.