Monday, October 5, 2009


yikes, i've been absent for a while. between anniversaries, out-of-town visitors, insane work schedules, planning birthday parties, classes, halloween (to protect the innocent, i won't post any pictures) and buying a house, i've been a little lost. i've got to get myself back on track. which is to say bake something delicious this weekend, if i have anything to say about it. some highlights from the last month:
lots of eating (and mess-making) to celebrate our anniversary

perusing 2007's guinness world record holder for largest corn maze with bonus ecclectically decorated pumpkin patch
(which we never got to find our way through, unfortunately)

a successful surprise birthday party where we did some of our favorite things

like wearing fake hair

and singing songs from the early 90s around a fire.

my brother, husband and i went out of town with my visiting dad and stepmom on a lovely roadtrip to the coast

where we ate lots of salt water taffy (actually, i ate a giant chick-o-stick)

oh, and we bought a house...i'm still recovering from the shock that it's really happening!


Anonymous said...

Chick-o-sticks and new houses are the bomb, yo.
We are totally excited for you guys.

brandi said...

so much good stuff!