Saturday, January 9, 2010


it's impossible to believe that december is over and that the holidays have come and passed! things have been busy with painting and spackling and caulking (insert caulk joke here, husband), dishes and laundry, buying and wrapping gifts, barely getting our tree up in time, and the like. but we've also found a small amount of time for some definite december fun, and since you pals who look this way already have to hear about the house 24-7 from me, here's a little recent inspiration :

i've had a fair isle craze for a while and have been working on a faux fair isle vest, but a special holiday movie didn't hurt the situtation. we only got around to watching "a christmas story" this year, but i was reminded of all the amazing, amazing knits in the movie (especially in the classroom scenes! where are all the pictures of those?). i may have to base my entire wardrobe around this movie.

i made some time for some other movies while i knit a few weeks ago, and was again inspired by these two stylish ladies! a you've got to love that bathing suit. how gorgeous are they?

speaking of bathing suits, i also have been loving "two for the road" much too much lately and it doesn't hurt to have albert finney and, well, i just dig the whole thing, but their bathing suits in their first week together scenes are just too much.

then again, the past several months i've also been obsessed with a general 1930s style, as evidenced by, well, projects i never finished. but, i've also been pretty into 1930s-nostalgia movies, like "sweet and lowdown" and "papermoon." seriously, how gorgeous is ryan o'neal in "papermoon"?

of course, my heart will always belong to this guy. we can't even get into all this or i'll be here forever, though.

i've been working on a few other projects but have to wait until i can get some pictures. most importantly, i made these for my family's traditional christmas cinnamon roll breakfast and just about died. we've decided they're too delicious to make more than once a year.

anyway, this all helps remind me that i haven't been only buried in paint (besides, there are worse things), but have had a very lovely past few weeks. belated happy holidays to all! (of course, only the bottom photo belongs to me)


nortagemdar said...

Oh man, how did you ever get your cinnamon roll dough rolled out thinly enough to have it spiral that many times?? You're an illusionist! And I can't believe I've never seen Two for the Road; makes me wish I can go back to the day we saw The Road and knowingly order Bee and my's tickets, perhaps wearing adorable (if scant (for Bee)) bathing suits!

brandi said...

oh man, those edies... they make feel so insane just seeing a picture of them...